What with all the bad things about this coronavirus situation we all find ourselves in, there are a few upsides. One of these is that because I am working from home,
not having to commute - hardly going outside at all, in fact - I have a lot more time available to work through my painting mountain. Inevitaby, perhaps, there is a long way to go, but I am making steady progress, and I'll hopefully be posting a bit more regularly here in the weeks ahead as a result.
Here, then, are figures for Romans and Britons for Saga: Age of Invasions. The figures are generally intechangeable between both armies. These have all been sitting around half-completed for several months so it's about time I got them finished. The foot were completed first, and it's only over the last week that I have finished off the mounted. The spears on all figures are made from brass rod.
British Hearthguard |
Four more Hearthguard |
These foot hearthguard are for use with Britons. West Wind figures. Shield designs are hand painted.
British Warriors or Late Roman Warriors/Levy |
Eight more warriors |
And more |
And yet more |
These 32 foot are suitable for use as four units of 8 Warriors for Romans or Britons, or as Roman Levy. If deployed as Levy there are enough to field three units, allowing for a Ballista to replace figures as specified in the rules. All are West Wind figures, and very nice they are too. Sheld designs are LBMS transfers.
The ballista and crew are Gripping Beast figures. The shield deign is hand painted.
Mounted Britons |
My mounted troops for this army are a mish-mash of different manufacturers and they don't all match perfectly well as a result. The first (and my least favourite) are four Warlord Games figures (above). These are intended for use as Britons. Shield designs are hand painted.
More mounted Britons |
Conversely, these four I like a lot; however, unfortunately I can't remember who the manufacturer is! They're slightly smaller than the others, but are lovely castings. I replaced the spear hands with sword hands from some plastic figures on the central two above so that they matched better as a unit.
Roman mounted Hearthguard |
And more |
And some more |
The Roman mounted Hearthguard are all Curtey's Miniatures, and are painted in relatively uniform colours to match, with shields done with LBMS transfers. These are quite excellent figures and painted up beautifully,
Command |
These three are command figures that can be used for either army. The central model is Curtey's Miniatures, but I can't remember where the other two came from. Shield designs are hand painted so as to match the Roman Hearthguard.
Looking forward to being able to play with these but it might be some time before that happens. For the time being, it's back to the painting table for me...